Are you the owner of an empty space that’s just sitting there unused? Have you ever considered turning it into a recreational area that could attract visitors and generate income? With just a few simple tips and tricks, you can transform your empty space into a destination that offers hours of fun and entertainment for people of all ages. Here’s how:

Create Access to the Water

Water is a major attraction for many people, so if your property is near a lake, river, or stream, consider creating access to the water. Building a small dock, beach area, or boat launch can be a relatively low-cost way to draw in visitors. If your property doesn’t have direct water access, you can still create paths or trails that lead to nearby waterways.

Set up Campsites

Camping is a popular and affordable way for people to enjoy the outdoors, and setting up campsites on your property can be a great way to attract visitors. Clear an area for tents, provide fire pits or grills, and make sure visitors have access to fresh water and restroom facilities. Consider offering amenities like picnic tables, trash cans, and lantern poles to make your campsites more attractive.

Build Outdoor Grills and Picnic Areas

If camping isn’t your thing, you can still attract visitors by building outdoor grills and picnic areas. Simple structures made of wood or metal, or pre-made kits from home improvement stores, can provide an area for people to cook and eat. Make sure to provide plenty of seating and shade, and consider adding fun amenities like horseshoe pits or volleyball nets.

Clear Space for Day Visitors

For those in urban areas, consider creating a green space or park that can draw in day visitors. Clear away debris and unwanted vegetation, plant trees and shrubs, and create walking paths and other amenities. Add benches, picnic tables, or other seating areas to make your park more attractive and comfortable for visitors.

Now that you know the basics of creating a recreational paradise on your property, get started! By providing access to the water, comfortable camping facilities, and outdoor amenities, you can help ensure that your property becomes a popular destination. The more visitors you attract, the more potential income you can generate. Don’t let your empty space go to waste – turn it into a fun and profitable destination today!